Thursday, April 20, 2006


i teach this boy named satoshi. several months ago . . . during late november? december? i can’t be sure, carrie, tiffany, and i were eating at our favorite sushi joint in arai, having a normal threesome evening for us. while munching on our makase (chef’s choice), sitting at the sushi bar, a man comes out of one of the private tatami rooms. he had heard us speaking english, so he ventured out to try his hand at it with us. in short, it turned out that he had lived with his family a year ago, for a year, in connecticut of the states. and he was wondering if any one of us would like to teach his son. wanting some private lessons, i offered to teach him. after making arrangements with yamada san, i began teaching satoshi once a week on wednesdays at their home next to my school.

he’s 7 and adorable. his english is great considering all the factors. and his pronunciation is fabulous. this goes to reinforce the fact that children take to and learn a foreign language much easier than adults. get them started early!! yamada san knows what’s up. smart smart. we go over vocabulary, learn verbs, play games, sing songs, etc etc. satoshi’s rambunctious and has become comfortable with me which i like a lot. we’re affectionate with each other, and i’m confident he likes me a lot.

so here's pictures of talented little satoshi . . .


Blogger Aaron said...

he is absolutely adorable!!! why can't i have private lessons with little cute japanese kids? guess there aren't any in sanjo...

4/20/2006 1:47 PM  

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