Monday, December 26, 2005

a night out on carrie's birthday

so, carrie and tiff are officially 26. i'm the baby at 25. yeah, that's right. you read right, the baby.

carrie wanted to hit all our usuals of joetsu, the usuals being: pta, nicks, hag, and nest; i think that's all the list was comprised of.

we first dashed into nest. slamming a couple of drinks, we chatted with friends who work there, oota san and jun kun. they found it amusing we looked more 'made up' than usual. a little surprised they noticed, we acknowledged the change.

notice nothing different, huh . . .

they began playing the happy birthday tune as carrie arrived last and fashionably late. we also sang and spanked carebear - even coercing the boys to spank her as well (it's not the first time), more than once seeing as how the first time was only a playful slap. carrie's first "cake/gift" of the evening.

after the discounted beers - for their happy hour - we walked to uo, the next pit-stop.

our friend, kanako - more dearly called ka-chan (a term to express child in japanese; you add it to the end of a person's name. comparable to mr, mrs, or san in japanese. it's sometimes added to an older person's name as a term of endearment and closeness.) - invited us to a nabe party at our friend's bar, uo. so feeling obliged, we hit up it up for a light dinner comprised of finger foods and the japanese hot stew of vegetables and seafood (nabe).

carrie's first cake of the evening

mmmmmmm, cigarettes and cake

the drunken eyes already starting to appear

i wish everyone had the pleasure to know IKEPON!!! he's fabulous. he and i had a walk-off, proper supermodel style as in the movie, zoolander, one of the first times we met. i won. a good fight he did put up . . .

third gift of the evening: the second of out of two bottles of champagne (the first one at uo, with the cake). carrie accidentally unceremoniously popppped! it, and we lined up, patiently waiting our turn.

and seconds

what a great group. can't we all just be lovers?

i'd thought my home-country readers would like to see a japanese bar (nicks). this one is abnormally large.

some dart action

carrie feeling flirty

then drunk

and back to flirty. good recovery, carebear, good recovery

fight-o fight-o, but alas, satoshi, the bigger of the two, won.

and carrie's fourth, final, and most delicious gift of the night: a chocolate cake from beloved master at pta.

starting to feel a little tired

he was just plumb tuckered out!

all in all, a successful evening. good thing the next day was friday . . .


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