Thursday, December 15, 2005

bareboru taikai!!

every year, my school has a two-day volleyball tournament betwixt all of the students. each class plays ferociously against other classes. and during the final hours of the second day, the tournament comes down to two final matches between two classes – one match for the girls and one for the boys. usually, second and third year classes end up being in the final stages, but this year a first year class, girls, made it to the championship match! i was pretty proud of them, astonished at their organized, skillful moves. i had no idea they had that ability in them, unaware that any of them had any interest in volleyball.

since wednesday and thursday were free days, they were two good days to catch up on some work i had looming on my desk for several days. i slipped down to the gym as much as possible, and if there was ever a time i wished i was still in high school, it was then. i love to play sports – watching them doesn’t interest me so much – i’d rather be spending my free time with other activities – but playing them is fabulous. since i’m an adult now, the chance to play in organized, or even loosely knit pick-up games, doesn’t rise too often. but here in front of me, were games galore, and i couldn’t join in. but nonetheless, it was highly exciting to watch, with holding breath, the huge effort the students put into their matches and the sorrow and happiness with which the kids reacted after their games. some had to lose, and it broke my heart to watch their eyes shed tears afterwards. girls only of course, the boys were too manly to let such things show.

the event ended at four on thursday with two championship teams. there were hopes of organizing a quick match between the teachers, me included of course – i signed up to that opportunity real fast-like – and the champion boys team. alas there was no time, hence, no match. that’s too bad, but maybe next year.

i hope i get to!


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