Friday, January 06, 2006

the play comes to town!

last year, i participated in the niigata ken annual charity play. last year, the play was peter pan - or as it were - Peter jaPan to avoid potential copyright issues. the proceeds went to building houses and school supplies in papua new guinea. it took up a lot of time, but in the end, i was pleased i performed in it. the practices and subsequent shows took place on almost every weekend for some months straight. however, this year, i declined the opportunity to display my fine acting skills to cash in on a little more free time snowboarding.

every year, the play visits the biggest cities in niigata ken to make traveling for all involved fair. recently, it was time for the play to have practice in my town, joetsu. having been ages since i'd seen some friends and thespians, i took it upon myself to visit their practice and let some of my girlfriends snag a place on my floor that night. that evening, there was a charity party hosted at nova, our favorite dance club in town. part of the cost of getting in the party was going towards the pakistan earthquakes, and the other part was going towards the play fund for papua new guinea. so party we did! the night was a success . . . . we ended up raising a bit more money than we expected for pakistan, and there was a lot more people cutting the rug than we counted on! cheers to libations and charity events!

justine and kat

every year, i believe there's a secret santa event at one of the christmas practices to make everyone feel just a little bit more at home and to induce the christmas spirit. this year, everyone just put all the gifts on the floor in the center of their circle, and at the count of 3, dove for a present. how western of us. it was much more civilized last year. harmph. hahaha . . . although the faster didn't necessarily mean the better! gifts were in the 100 yen range, essentially a 'dollar store' present. except in japan, the dollar stores are much more superior!

and the results . . .

after the cold, dreary, and drafty practice, everyone dolled up and headed to a 2 hour nomihodai (all you can drink) before going to the dance party. kat

troy in the spirit. i love you troy!


james and debbie, james drinking my favorite screwdriver

sam and kate


mary and sarah

sarah and sam

unfortunately, i didn't bring my camera out at the dance party. or actually, perhaps it was a good thing . . . to all participants involved.

oh by the way, this year the play's the highly anticipated jungle book, directed by the fabulous mississippi mary. can't wait!


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